North Houston Cancer Clinics

Cancer Types We Treat......

Cancer usually occurs when a change or mutation occurs in your body’s normal cells. Cancer can occur due to multiple factors, including genetic or environmental changes. Cancer is a group of many diseases that can spread from one part to another. Cancer is one of the leading causes of death overall in the world, as around one in 6 deaths has been caused by cancer in recent years.

Understanding About The Types of Cancer

We at North Houston Cancer Clinics know how a cancer diagnosis can be so sudden and complicated. Our cancer care facilities are equipped with the finest technology to help diagnose and treat different types of cancer. From innovative treatment plans to supportive recovery services, our compassionate specialists are devoted to personalized care. For total care focused on your health and overall well-being, select North Houston Cancer Clinics in case you or a family member is diagnosed with cancer. Contact us now to begin the journey towards your healing confidently. 

Early Diagnosis and Cancer Treatments

Cancer diagnosis mainly depends upon early detection, which can only be performed based on symptoms. Standard diagnostic procedures involved in cancer detection include screenings for skin cancers, colorectal cancers, and breast cancers.

Common signs and symptoms that help oncologists diagnose cancer include:

  • Tumors or lumps on the surface of the body
  • Fever and weakness
  • Sweating
  • Changes in bowel movements
  • Pain in body and back
  • Changes in the skin
Cancer Types Image

Grades of Cancer

Cancer grades depend upon the microscopical evaluation of cells. This means that low-grade cancer cells will grow slowly, while the high-grade cancer stage shows faster growth and division, which makes it more aggressive. There are three grades of cancer.

In grade 1, cancer cells grow slowly and resemble the normal cells of the body.
In grade 2, cancer cells divide and grow faster as compared to grade 1 and they are not similar to normal cells.
In grade 3, cancer cells become so aggressive, grow faster, and look abnormal.

Common Warning Signs and Risk Factors:

Most forms of cancer present several common warning signs and risk factors, such as:

  • Persistent cough or voice changes
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Tiredness
  • Swellings or thickening of body parts
  • Changes in bowel movements or bladder functions
  • Unexplained ache or pain

Risk factors, on the other hand, differ but often include lifestyle choices like smoking, too much drinking, poor eating habits, and less physical activity, together with hereditary sensitivity and exposure to environmental toxins. By being aware of these risks and proactively managing them, plus going for regular screenings, one can considerably decrease one’s chances of getting the disease.

These cancer types vary significantly in their presentation, treatment options, and prognosis, affecting individuals differently based on factors like age, gender, and overall health.

Conditions in Cancer:

Cancer, an intricate cluster of conditions characterized by the unrestrained proliferation of atypical cells, can manifest itself through several symptoms, most of which are typical across various cancer types. These symptoms are often not specific but may also indicate other diseases that do not cause cancer; however, they are essential features that require immediate medical attention. Detecting these warning signs is critical in early diagnosis and treatment and can significantly enhance outcomes.

Types Of Hodgkin Lymphoma Cancer Image

A few general cancer symptoms include:

Frequently Ask Questions

The word cancer is used to refer to diseases in which unusual cells split out of control and can enter into other nearby tissues. These kinds of cells can also get transported through the lymphatic and blood circulatory systems.
Many factors like genetics of a person, lifestyle choices of individula, and environmental exposures contribute to the cause of cancers. Consequently, it is advisable for people who smoke, abuse alcohol excessively, experience too much sunlight, or have bad eating habits should take caution since they may develop this condition.
Cancer symptoms differ depending on its type and location. In general terms, a hard nodule under the skin, weight change that is not deliberate such as loss or gain of weight, exhaustion, altered dermal features, constant coughing, or breathlessness are typical signs.
To diagnose cancers clinicians have different options including physical examinations involving blood tests; radiography and biopsy procedures amongst others required depending on the particular type of tumor suspected.
The form of therapy received varies according to specific characteristics like staging, overall health status, and so forth while surgery stands out as one commonly employed approach for managing neoplasms; there exist also radiation therapy; chemotherapy; immunotherapy as well as targeted therapies available for treating this medical condition.