North Houston Cancer Clinics

Bile Duct Cancer

At North Houston Cancer Clinics, our experienced oncologists, surgeons, and specialists provide you with the most effective bile duct cancer treatments. From innovative surgical treatments to targeted chemotherapy and radiation therapy, our range of services is designed to provide precise bile duct cancer diagnosis.​

What Is Bile Duct Cancer ?

Cholangiocarcinoma, commonly recognized as bile duct cancer, is an uncommon but fierce type of cancer that starts growing in the slender tubes responsible for transporting bile from the liver to the small intestine. These channels are paramount to digestion, and when malignant cells form and start clogging these passages, they can cause several indications. Detecting this malignancy during its initial phase can be tricky since signs may not become noticeable until the disease has advanced significantly. Usual signals include yellow discoloration on the skin or eyes (jaundice), discomfort in the abdomen area, unexpected weight loss, and itching sensation all over the body, perhaps due to a specific kind of chemical produced by tumor cells called pruritogen exacerbating situations further- leading to relentless scratching urges among patients afflicted with cholangiocarcinoma.

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Bile Duct Cancer Treatments & Diagnostics

The identification of bile duct cancer necessitates the use of imaging techniques such as CT scans, MRIs, and endoscopic procedures to observe the bile ducts. The treatment options for bile duct cancer may vary based on its severity; they can include surgical intervention, chemotherapy sessions, or radiation therapy. Finally, an interdisciplinary approach involving oncologists and other healthcare professionals is essential in creating a customized treatment plan that caters to individual needs.
Detecting symptoms early enough, coupled with cutting-edge treatments, plays a critical role in improving outcomes among individuals grappling with bile duct cancer prognosis.
North Houston Cancer Clinics is not just a healthcare provider; we are a professional team with experts who are dedicated partners in your bile duct cancer treatments. Our commitment extends to participating in advanced research and clinical trials, ensuring access to the latest breakthroughs in treatment options.

Prevalence of Bile Duct Cancer

Compared to other cancers, the occurrence of bile duct cancer is relatively uncommon. However, bile duct cancer is now increasingly diagnosed worldwide. Chronic inflammation of the bile ducts and liver diseases like cirrhosis, as well as certain infections, are contributing factors to this disease’s high-risk profile. Moreover, those with congenital conditions that interfere with proper bile duct development may also be more susceptible to developing this type of cancer.

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Common Signs and Symptoms of Bile Duct Cancer

Bile duct cancer diagnosis depends upon the signs and symptoms. The symptoms usually don’t appear, but if it is diagnosed earlier, bile duct cancer treatments will get better.
Symptoms started to appear when the bile duct was blocked. Symptoms also depend upon the site of the blockage, as there are two types of bile duct cancers. The first is intrahepatic, which means inside the liver, and the second is extrahepatic, outside the liver. Following are some common symptoms:

Major Causes of Bile Duct Cancer

At North Houston Cancer Clinics, we educate our patients about the major causes behind bile duct cancer so that they can better diagnose bile duct cancer and develop effective treatment strategies. Bile duct cancer, which is also known as cholangiocarcinoma, can caused by many different reasons, including:

Prolonged inflammation of the bile ducts, often related to conditions like primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) and chronic infections, can lead to the development of bile duct cancer. Our expert oncologists at North Houston Cancer Clinics give accurate reasons for inflammation and guide patients.

Patients with liver disease face an increased risk of bile duct cancer. Our disease evaluation process focuses on detecting early signs of liver-related issues, helping in effective bile duct cancer treatments.

Some infections, including liver fluke infestations, are directly associated with an increased risk of bile duct cancer. North Houston Cancer Clinics promises to provide advanced diagnostic tools to discover causes and the best treatment plans for bile duct cancer.

At North Houston Cancer Clinics, we work as a team. We provide comprehensive care to our patients by ensuring that each patient receives sufficient attention and bile duct cancer treatments with confidence and hope.

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Frequently Asked Question

Stage 4 is considered to be the last stage of this cancer. It means that cancer has spread to other parts of the body. lungs and liver are the common regions where bile duct cancer has spread.
Common testing techniques used to diagnose bile duct cancer are Ultrasound, CT scan (Computerized tomography) and Magnetic resonance imaging MRI.
Processed and fried foods are not allowed for bile duct cancer patients. As they are very difficult to digest. These foods will worsen the condition of bile duct cancer.
Blood lab tests can detect the amount of enzymes present in the blood for e.g. bilirubin m albumin and other liver enzymes. If they are present excessively in the blood , they will hinder the bile duct and cause blockage.